Legend appears below
After leaving DC (star)...
1- Head to Mongaup State Park in NY for a few days.
2- At Mongaup, we will decide whether to head up to New Brunswick, and then cross over the St Lawrence to Todoussac, Quebec. The alternative is to proceed straight north to James Bay (3) or Thunder Bay (4).
3- At Todoussac, we will be decide which route to take to James Bay (3). One option is to head north to Chibougamau, Quebec and either take the rough 400km North Road to James Bay or an easier route. Another option is to take the south road.
4- After James Bay, if we make it there, we will head west to Thunder Bay by a northern route.
5- After a few days at or near Thunder Bay, we will head west to the Canadian Rockies to a few of the remote camp grounds in Banff.
6- After a few days in Banff, we will decide whether to head north to the Yukon (6) or head to Vancouver Island (9).
7- If we go to the Yukon, we will spend a week or so in Dawson City with perhaps a side trip of 1000 miles up to Inuvik in Northwest Territories near the Arctic Ocean.
8- After whatever trip we take to the Yukon, we will probably hop aboard the ferry to Vancouver Island (9) at Prince Rupert BC.
9- At Vancouver Island, I hope to spend another week at Port Hardy in the north and then several days at the Wye Camp on the west side of the Island.
10- After Vancouver Island, we will head home by some route still not planned.
These plans could change dramatically anywhere along the way, depending upon the situation with the dogs, the Defender, and me.
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