
In the summer of 2007, I inadvertently learned of a beautiful dog named Sidney who was visiting D.C. from New York during the fireworks and was startled from behind by a small dog who had invaded Sidney's space without any warning from the owner. After a scrape between the two dogs, Sidney was illegally seized by the D.C. government and condemned to death.  Feeling the injustice in this, I went to work on my first blog to save dogs from the oppressive clutches of some of our uncompassionate and unthinking city officials.  My blog was accessed from around the world and brought in so many e-mails and faxes to the D.C. government that, among other reasons, they let Sidney go back home.

 Today, I just received the sad news that Sydney died peacefully this year at his home, at the ripe old age of 14, seven long years beyond when the DC government attempted to take his life.  Eric and Belinda would have been deprived of seven years of joy if the DC officials had gotten their way. 

You can see my blog for Sindey here:

Sidney, I miss you, buddy. Thanks for giving me the chance to see that activism does work.


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