As it is happening, 12:45, Friday, October 17, Detrick Vet Hospital, Fort Bragg, Ca

I could not sleep much last night, kicking myself for not taking the most aggressive action the vet in Eureka gave as an option, i.e., X-rays to make sure there was no stomach blockage from the bones Erde ate, and blood work to make sure that her kidneys were functioning properly.  All of those things would have told me what is not going on or what is going on.  On a road trip like this, both are critical to know, I learned the hard way last night by my worry.

  I got up early this morning and on the road by 9 and considered driving back the 90 miles to Eureka to get the X-rays and blood work, but decided to have Erde checked out again by a vet in Fort Bragg, 50 miles down the coast on our way to San Francisco.

We just left the vets and the vet spent almost an hour with Erde.  No X-rays or tests were recommended, but the vet gave me the assurance and peace of mind to continue the trip and the name of a referral vet center near where we will camp tonight.

I just fed Erde for the first time in two days. I will know by the time i reach the camp tonight if the meds the vet prescribed yesterday worked and if it is or is not nothing more than a gastro problem alone.  If she throws her food up again, according to the vet here, she needs to be treated right away, in which case, it's to the referral center we go. Here's hoping.

Ed and Erde, On The Road

P.S. Sorry for any errors in this message or posting.  The iPad spellcheck is not known for its attention to detail.

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