Day, 28, Wednesday, October 1, Camp Kyra & Rudy, Comox, Vancouver Island

A stay-put day today in lovely Comox to renew my friendship with Nicholas, Michele and Rudy (their beagle), and to celebrate the lives of Kyra and Leben, both of whom we lost in November and August respectively.

I'll keep my notes in my journal for today except to say that Erde has found here what she considers what heaven will be like.  She refuses to go much beyond the kitchen, which to her seems to be a main source of the world's salmon, for her anyway. I had my share too, but Erde whips herself into a frenzy every time a new batch comes out, and they come out quite often here.  This year is the largest salmon run in four years so everyone here is stocking up, even Erde.

Tomorrow we head up to the ends of the road here in Port Hardy and Cape Scott, and for a haircut at Chris Hunter's barbershop and some baked goods at the Market Inn.  The road to Cape Scott is one of the most challenging i have taken, and i think that's the onky reason i am heading out on it.

I am now caught up with my postings.  Days 29-30 coming tonight. :)


Family reunion

Ground zero for Erde most of our time here.  The salmon and other treats were never more than five feet away.

Ed and Erde, On The Road

P.S. Sorry for any errors in this message or posting.  The iPad spellcheck is not known for its attention to detail.

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