Day 42, wednesday, October 15, Jedediah Smith Redwood Stare/National Park, Northern California, 6299 miles

Abbreviated posting today. The road beckons.

Rained all night and stopped just before dawn.  Good decision on my part to yurt it last night.  Sun was shining brightly in a clear bkue sky as we pulled out, but minutes later...rain.  That's the way it goes in this neck of the woods.

The drive after Gold Beach in Oregon was nothing kess than spectacular.  Too many pull offs at dramatic ocean views to stop for all of them.

Stopped at the New River Nature Center for one of our breaks.  Wonderful piece of heaven for the flora and fauna thriving there.  The sad irony is that it is literally just down the road from the West Coast Game Park. There, if it is anything like its  name implies and like the Catskill Game Farm near where i grew up on the Hudson River, the poor animals there wait out their time before they are sold as "game" to canned hunting farms.  Even amidst the beauty of this land, the signs of human cruelty are everywhere.

Made it to the gorgeous Jedediah Smith Redwood Forest Sate/National Park just over the state line in California  by 4:30 and settled into site 81.  As it turns out, this is not the Redwood Forest camp we stayed in in 2001 but just as wonderful. Tomorrow, on our way to Russian Gulch State Park down the road 200 miles or so,   I'll stop at the other one down the road a few miles to see if i can find the site we stayed in in 2001.
Erde standing watch over our yurt for the night at Umpqua Lighthouse State Park

We stopped off at the New River Nature Center for a break and were pleasantly rewarded by the wonderful setting.  Stopping at places like this is much better than stopping in the towns and browsing in all the tourist traps stores, with the exception of the bakeries.  Places like this are God's bakery.

One of the many extraordinary ocean views south of Gold Beach OR. Far too many places to stop.

Erde standing guard over our little camp in the very pleasant Redwood Forest camp. This white spots on the tent are reflectors reflecting the camera's  auto-flash.

Ed and Erde, On The Road

P.S. Sorry for any errors in this message or posting.  The iPad spellcheck is not known for its attention to detail.

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